Delhi's International Ethnik Folklore Festival- New Delhi, INDIA, organized by the M/s. Driti council of Performing Arts, is a Non Profitable Company registered under Section 25 is a self-funded organization. DIEFF-INDIA is the member of European Association of Folklore Festivals, Official partner of UNESCO.
We are always keen to hear from businesses that are interested in sponsoring the festival, we value your help and show it in kind. Sponsors get prominent advertising, as their organization's name and logo will be seen during the festival's promotional period in the programme, online, on stage, in promotional literature.
We're targeting families and young people who are actively interested and involved in arts and literature. This targeted audience will see your message in a dynamic, unique and attentive environment that will help sell your product or service, with exposure to a wide audience and an estimated 20,000-50,000 patrons during seven days of festival.
Ownership of onsite branded activation area for product demo, sampling opportunities, data capture, selling merchandise, opportunity to interact with a captive engaged audience.
Scope for artist to wear branded clothing, product demo, or sample goods. Rights to create backstage gifting suite in the artist dressing room areas with product placements.
Opportunity to name and brand one of the many group performing Venues or groups for the entire week, as well as brand activation at the Open Air Events. Parade, Opening Ceremony, Fun Games venue, Trophy distribution on closing ceremony.
The team at DIEFF INDIA perform admirably and professionally handle all the challenges to continue to deliver value for money to our loyal and generous sponsors and for the enjoyment of the community.
Our souvenir programme reaches around thousands of People and is a great place to promote your business. With options from a quarter page up to a full page, prices begin at just 30,000Rs.
For more information on sponsorship or advertising opportunities, contact our office at
We appreciate all the help we can get from anyone.
If you'd like to get involved in any way, whether you'd like to learn organise events, with fundraising, Marketing events, advertizing, come along on the day and help DIEFF INDIA, whatever you'd like to do to , do it with dignity, we'd love to hear from you, the more the merrier.
Coordinators are not allowed in to the hotel rooms of the Artists and Organization is not supposed to provide any accommodations for night stays to any of the coordinators during their coordination's with the Artists.
Coordinators who are able to carry themselves with more elegance, dignity, patience and to get die hard real time experience and ready to be with the organization from 7am to 8/9 pm can only be considered for the coordinations.
Coordinators should be more punctual with the schedules.
Coordinators should interact with the group leaders only that too in a very formal and professional way, should not get personal with any other group members.
Coordinators are not supposed to entertain any of the group member with their personal requests without the permission of the organizer.
Coordinators are not allowed to touch any of foreign Artists for any kind of intimacy dance moves in the auditoriums or in the buses or to impose themselves on to artistic groups for any sake.
Coordinators are not allowed to wear the undignified dresses before the DIEFF INDIA Artists; we are very strict with this rule especially with girls. We won't spare the students with improper dress codes. DIEFF INDIA needs traditional or formal dress codes only.
Only 2 Coordinators per bus will be entertained to Tours who are serious throughout their journey in DIEFF INDIA. It is completely the choice of DIEFF INDIA Directors.
Tours are not designed for the Coordinators for their personal entertainment. DIEFF INDIA tours are meant for the Groups and they are purely cultural and traditional.
Coordinators are not supposed to impose themselves on to the groups for photos too, Foreigners need privacy and that to the group photos they look their group members only. Behave with dignity.
Coordinators should take their meals in between the time where the group start and end their meal. If you are not done with the meal, you should leave it in instead of making your group wait for you.
Coordinators should sit in the bus at the front not at the back to entertain themselves. Coordinators should be attentive to the needs of the Group members, instead of serving yourselves first with drinks and juices.
Coordinators should get down from the buses first and should watch the surroundings of that particular area and act sensibly rather than searching for shops to serve themselves first.
Coordinators should watch more keenly while taking artists on Roads, instead of engaging themselves with someone for fun and delaying the whole walking process.
Coordinators should think of ordering different dishes to the Groups in the Tours for Lunch & Dinner according to the budgets, rather than thinking your own tastes and imposing those things on to the groups.
Most disgusting acts: Making Groups to wait for long time while taking buses or during the tours, taking meals leisurely as they are on a leisure trip with fellow coordinators, arguing with the groups, behaving too rude with the groups, shuffling as per the convenience with the groups, not giving exact instructions to the group, these kinds of acts will not be entertained in our DIEFF INDIA editions.
Under any circumstances if the organizer asks any coordinator to leave the premises, they should obey that else your misbehaviour will be informed to your respective college managements. DIEFF INDIA will sack out the coordinators who are taking the DIEFF INDIA platform for their entertainment purposes.
We look more professional and disciplined students with more patience who really looking forward to learn professional experiences from an International Platform.
Coordinators should leave the groups after the closing ceremony from the venue itself. Any personal commitments with the groups will not be entertained.
DIEFF INDIA belongs to M/s.Driti Council of Performing Arts it is our prestige and pride, we cannot allow anyone to degrade that for any reasons.